
2013 RAMAU Conferences

Knowledge and models concerning sustainable town planning and architecture

 14 and 15 November 2013


Following the conferences on the architectural and town planning professions and the challenge represented by residents and users, the RAMAU network continues its cycle focussed on the development of the knowledge and practices of those involved in architecture and town planning and the effects of the need to incorporate sustainable development.


The need to develop sustainable architecture and town planning introduces new requirements for professionals as well as for institutions and residents. It implies the development of new skills and methods to adapt to new environmental challenges (climate, energy, biodiversity, etc.). The RAMAU 2013 conference examines the process of generation and diffusion of new knowledge and practices, from one-off experiments through to a general trends.


 Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris Val de Seine

3/15, quai Panhard et Levassor - 75013 Paris





144 avenue de Flandre

75019 Paris




Elise Macaire (LET-UMR Lavue)

Scientific secretariat

Véronique Biau (CRH-UMR Lavue) Michael Fenker (LET-UMR Lavue)

Scientific Council

Gilles Debizet (UMR PACTE) Patrice Godier (PAVE) Isabelle Grudet (LET-UMR Lavue) Laure Héland (LET-UMR Lavue) Géraldine Molina (LISST-Cieu) Nadine Roudil (CSTB) Hélène Subrémon (LATTS) and Jean-Jacques Terrin (LéaV)

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